The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Flutter Expert — Part 2: Thinking of Flutter

Eternity (Isaac Adariku)
9 min readFeb 28, 2023

by Isaac Adariku (LinkedIn, Twitter, Website)

In this article, which is the second part of the “Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Flutter Expert” series, I will provide you with reasons to help you make an informed decision on whether to learn Flutter or consider using/adopting it for your startup or business.

In case you want to check out any other article in the series, just click on the link provided below:

Statistics showing Flutter as the most popular cross-platform framework — Latest Statistics click here

Get ready to learn some of the reasons why Flutter is the best cross-platform framework in the world!

But first, let me ask you a few questions;

  • 🤔 Are you not sure if you should learn Flutter?
  • 🤔 Are you thinking of using Flutter for your startup?
  • 🤔 Are you thinking of using Flutter to grow your business?
  • 🤔 Do you want to be sure if Flutter is right for your development team?
  • 🤔 Are you not sure if your goals are in line with the Flutter ecosystem?
  • 🤔 Are you wondering if it’s worth your time and effort to learn new technology, especially one that is relatively new and constantly evolving?
  • 🤔 Are you not sure if you can become a Flutter developer and expert?

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, then Welcome! or Welcome Back!

This article is for you! 😍 However, there are some prerequisites below that you need to meet to fully grabs this article.


  • You are familiar with the basics of programming.
  • You know what mobile, web, and desktop applications are.
  • You know what a programming language is and what a framework is.

If the above is not the case, you can read the first article in this series — “The ultimate guide to Becoming a Flutter Expert — Part 1: Getting Started in Tech.

Let’s start with some definitions of what is Flutter Framework and the Dart programming language powering Flutter.

What is Flutter Framework?

Flutter is an open-source framework created by Google. It allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile (iOS and Android), web (Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Opera), desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux), and embedded devices from a single codebase. Flutter apps are written in the Dart programming language and can run on any device with a screen.

What is Dart Programming Language?

Dart is a programming language developed by Google. It is an object-oriented, class-based, garbage-collected language with C-style syntax.

It is a general-purpose programming language and it is easy to learn, easy to use, and deployable everywhere because it can be compiled to either native code or JavaScript.

Why should you learn or Use Flutter?

The following reasons are categorized based on my ideology and are not in any particular order so that they can cater to all types of individuals and levels of experience.

Reasons to learn Flutter for Beginners

For those new to the tech industry, it can be challenging to determine what to learn or whether Flutter is the right framework for you to focus on.

However, here are a few compelling reasons why learning Flutter as a beginner in the tech industry may be a wise decision.

  • Flutter applications are built using the Dart programming language, which is easy to learn due to its user-friendly syntax that makes it a good choice for beginners. Dart language is also easy to debug and fix errors.
  • Compared to other frameworks, Flutter has a low learning curve, making it easy to get started and build your first application in minutes.
  • The Flutter community is active, offering a lot of resources such as tutorials, articles, videos, and books to help beginners learn and grow. There are also communities on Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord, Reddit, and Slack to offer assistance when needed.
A screenshot showing some Flutter communities
  • Many big companies and startups use Flutter, making it a popular framework. As a result, beginners can easily gain development experience and land a junior role or internship.
  • It’s also great to know that you’re never too late to start! Flutter is constantly evolving, with new and exciting features being added. This keeps the framework fresh and relevant, providing plenty of opportunities for growth and learning regardless of when you start.

I am confident that the reasons mentioned above are compelling enough to motivate you as a beginner in Tech to learn Flutter. Nonetheless, if you still need more persuasion, please proceed to the next section, which is tailored towards developers with some level of experience.

Reasons to learn Flutter for developers

If you are familiar with terms and concepts like IDE, Asynchronous programming, Cross-platform, and debugging, 😃 then you are likely a developer who may have questions about Flutter. In addition to its numerous advantages, I will highlight the main reasons why you should consider learning Flutter as a developer. 😎

  • The Programming Language: Dart is the programming language that the Flutter framework is built with, and is known for its simplicity and approachability. Dart has a number of features that make it a good choice for building mobile apps, such as strong support for asynchronous programming and the ability to transcompile to JavaScript. Additionally, Dart is also used in a number of other contexts beyond mobile development with Flutter. It can be used to build web, server-side, and desktop applications, and it is supported by a number of popular IDEs, including Android Studio and Visual Studio Code.
  • Cross-platform development: Flutter allows developers to build cross-platform applications for various operating systems, like iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS, using a single codebase. This makes it cost-effective and efficient for cross-platform development.
  • Hot reload: Flutter’s hot reload feature enables developers to see the changes they make to their code in real-time, making it easy to test and debug faster.
Flutter Hot Reload
  • Development Documentation & Growing Community: Flutter has very robust documentation and a supportive, growing and active community, making it easy for developers to access help and resources when needed.
  • Already Built Components: Flutter has pre-built widgets and layouts, saving developers the time and effort of building their own. This enables them to focus on creating beautiful and functional applications.
  • Game Development: Flutter’s capability for casual game development is impressive and game-changing 😄, as developers can build games for various platforms from a single codebase. If I drop a link to games built with Flutter, you might forget you are reading this article. 😂 So just continue reading… 😜
  • Platform Support: Flutter’s use of familiar concepts and terms makes it easy for developers from other platforms to learn and integrate them into their existing projects and applications. Check out how easy to get started with your previous stack: iOS (Swift), Android (Java/Kotlin), Xamarin (C#), React Native (Javascript) or Web.
  • Career opportunities: The growing popularity of Flutter has created career opportunities for Flutter developers as more companies seek experienced professionals to help build high-quality, cross-platform apps.

I trust that the reasons mentioned above have persuaded you, as an experienced developer, to consider learning Flutter. But if you remain unconvinced, I recommend you proceed to the next profile or check out other developers’ stories of Flutter.

Reasons to adopt or utilize Flutter

If you are an individual seeking a framework for your projects, startups, or businesses, or if you are looking to provide insights to your team of developers, the reasons below might resonate with you:

  • Faster Development: Flutter is built on the Dart language, a client-optimized programming language for apps on multiple platforms. The “Hot Reload” feature allows developers to see real-time changes to their code, speeding up the development process.
  • Single Codebase: With Flutter, you can create natively compiled applications for mobile, web, server, and desktop from a single codebase. This saves time and resources, making testing and maintenance easier, as there is no need to write separate code for different platforms.
  • Cost-Effective: By using Flutter, you can save on development costs as there is no need for separate development teams for iOS and Android. Flutter has strong cross-platform capabilities and can also be used for web and desktop applications. This means you’ll be able to use that skills to build a wider range of applications and reach a wider audience with less cost.
  • High-Quality Apps: Flutter’s features allow for the creation of high-quality, fast-performing, engaging apps that provide a seamless user experience with native-like performance. Customizable widgets enable developers to create beautiful, responsive and interactive user interfaces with its Material, Cupertino, etc widgets.
  • Team Growth: Flutter is constantly evolving and improving, providing opportunities for team growth and development. There is always something new to learn and keep up with, which can be both exciting and challenging for you and your team
  • App Templates: Flutter provides already-built app templates to help businesses quickly start and publish their niche app, such as the Flutter News Toolkit for news publishers who have limited financial and human resources, so they can focus on differentiating their brand and content without writing boilerplate code.
  • Google & Big Tech Support: Flutter is open source, developed by Google and used by well-known brands like eBay, Alibaba,, Tencent and many others, ensuring strong support, regular updates and stability of their investment. The Flutter Showcase featured other top companies you can check out.

Overall, Flutter is a great choice for businesses, CEOs, VPs, CTOs, and developers looking to build high-quality, cross-platform apps. Its benefits and capabilities make it ideal for expanding app portfolios and reaching wider audiences.



The reasons illustrate how the Flutter framework is an excellent option for those interested in developing cross-platform apps, given its impressive features and promising future. The reasons were categorized based on the types of individuals and levels of experience. If you are still not convinced, you can refer to “To Flutter or Not,” a flowchart created by a reputable Flutter expert company, Very Good Ventures, which can help you make a decision.

I hope you found this article informative and enjoyable! 🫠

In the rest of this article, I will share with you the beginner level of a Flutter developer and how to become an expert. It contains steps you need to take to become a Flutter Expert. Click on the link below to read the rest of the article.

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Every day is another opportunity to gain Mastery! 💙 — Isaac Adariku (Eternity)



Eternity (Isaac Adariku)

GDE Flutter & Dart | Software Craftsman | Organizer FlutterKaduna